JanSport Singapore
Since 1967, JanSport has dedicated itself to designing and producing quality outdoor gear and packs for its customers. With designs centered around innovation and quality, the brand prides itself in products that are functional, versatile and durable while being manufactured ethically. If you have a spirit of adventure and seek true innovation in your gear, you know this label JanSport Women & JanSport Men will be the perfect for your life! Equip yourself with quality gear that will complement your active lifestyle like travel backpack for men ! Be inspired to set off for your next journey with packs that pack the punch in convenience, versatility, durability and function.
Equip Yourself With A Durable Bag
Whether its for school or play, Jansport bags never disappoint in providing versatile and convenient storage space to carry all your belongings around. Handy and functional, these durable backpacks are the school basic must-have for any student. These basic backpacks come in muted tones such as grey and navy, and vibrant ones including red, pink, blue and aquamarine. Get your back-to-school essential basic backpack here on Zalora Singapore today! Looking for casual bags for a holiday? Keep your daily travel essentials safely stowed away in a bagpack so you can have fun traveling handsfree! Shop your basic back pack here now!
Shop JanSport Online at ZALORA Singapore
Back to school shopping has never been more convenient or more enjoyable! With over 500 fashion brands of apparel, shoes, bags and accessories for you to choose from on one single, convenient platform, you can now shop from the comfort of your couch! Get your basic haversack and school bags online! Buy your beauty items and fashion must-haves all at once and have them delivered to you for free in a single receipt if you spend mor! Shop on the go with the ZALORA mobile app! Look out for our promotions and offers! Shop at ZALORA now to enjoy the fun and convenience of online shopping!