5 Sports Outfits for Your Beach Workout

Written by : Daniel Loy Besides a glimpse into the horizon and waves that calm your mind, the beach is arguably the best place for a workout day. Before you gear up and head down to the nearest coast, check out our handy guide to the right sportswear for the shore. Leaps Ahead Why confine your circuit training to the studio when it’s infinitely more … Continue reading 5 Sports Outfits for Your Beach Workout

Fun Ways to Burn off Raya Calories

Here are some exercise ideas to lose those fats. https://media.giphy.com/media/26FPGWVMgYglvxR3G/giphy-downsized-large.gif It’s that time of the year again when we indulge in all sorts of delicious food during Raya. But with all the feasting comes the worry of gaining weight. Fortunately, there are plenty of fun ways to burn off those Raya calories that don’t involve going to the gym. So here are some ideas to lose … Continue reading Fun Ways to Burn off Raya Calories

Workout in Rock Solid Style with Under Armour

Written by : M.R There is no way you don’t know who Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is. He is the epitome of fitness, masculinity and action. He is one of the biggest names in Hollywood, and this fitness junkie now has a collection with Under Armour! Now you can dress like him and workout in style. But it isn’t just for the guys, girls, he’s … Continue reading Workout in Rock Solid Style with Under Armour