Revealed: 7 Tips To Scoring a Second Date

Written by Alicia Roxanne Asking someone out on first date isn’t rocket science. Girls wouldn’t mind getting a free meal and for guys, instead of playing video games with your homies, sitting across a girl eating sushi sounds like a better way to spend a Saturday night, right? However, the true test of character and compatibility is whether or not there will be a second … Continue reading Revealed: 7 Tips To Scoring a Second Date

The Difference between Your First Love and Everyone Else

I won’t forget my first love. He was quite something. For the first time ever, I knew what it felt like to have butterflies in my stomach. The first time I fell asleep to the sound of someone’s voice. The first time I talked on the phone till sunrise without realizing the number of hours that had passed. The first time I felt like nothing else mattered as long as I was with that person. The first time I felt like I was in love. Continue reading The Difference between Your First Love and Everyone Else