How to Keep Your Relationship Healthy and Strong: 15 Proven Tips


By Claudia Martin from THREAD PH

That’s when you know you’ve found somebody special. When you can just be quiet for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence. — Mia Wallace (Pulp Fiction)

All of us have set goals in life — goals at work, finance, hobbies, and passions. How about relationship goals? Most of the #RelationshipGoals scattered around the internet world are not actually facets of being genuinely happy, and long-lasting. I’ve witnessed #RelationshipGoals that range from extremely cute to sickeningly exaggerated (most of it, are the latter. Yikes!). Some of it just makes us all want to roll our eyes until it reaches the back of our brain.

Anyway, instead of focusing on all these fantasies, let’s focus on something realistic for a relationship. Number one key? Self-improvement, is an outstanding tool, for both you and your partner. It will keep you both from getting complacent or from not facing the issues head-on. Setting goals for you and your relationship will help you accomplish way more, and will hold you accountable while keeping the relationship strong and healthy. So, let’s cut to the chase, what are exactly the proven tricks and details to keep a relationship healthy?

1. Listen — Once you allow yourself to actually listen and ask questions about your partner, what he/she thinks/feels; not only will it lead to better conversations but even better communication.



2. Take a few days apart — It’s important to miss each other, this is a great way to reconnect. Have a girls night out with your girlfriends or a getaway during the weekend at least once every month.

3. Find a support team — Just a handful of great and real friends or family members is everything. You won’t feel the need to call your significant other every time you’re encountering a small grievance going on with your life.

4. Put away your phones — Yes, everyone is a suspect of this aspect. One of the biggest and greatest relationship tips is to give your undivided attention whilst your partner is speaking, or even if he/she isn’t, it’s rude to be on your phone 50% of the time. What’s the point of the date if your partner is third-wheeling with you and your phone?

5. Volunteer together — To give back is an excellent way to keep perspective of how special your relationship is, and how lucky you both are.

6. Create a checklist — List down new and fun things you want to accomplish for the day as a couple.



7. Talk to couples over 65 years old — Trust me when I say you’ll gain the best wisdom from them. They know what’s best and you’ll be able to see what you can take away and apply to your relationship.

8. Stop and appreciate all that your relationship is this very second — Stop living and dreaming for what it can and must be. Your significant other is currently choosing to be in your life every day, not every day in the future.

9. Revisit the questions you asked in the beginning — Aspirations for the following year? What are you afraid of? These certain answers change as time passes, it’s a need to keep asking ourselves these questions.



Read also : 5 Ways to Make Your Man Can’t Live Without You

10. Find 10 things you really love about them and tell them — Men need a confidence boost too, just like every human 😉

11. Stop nagging — FOR REAL THO, seriously quit it. Take a few steps back and figure out the greater and bigger things about your partner that truly and genuinely bother you. Handle things maturely, approach them from a place of serious concern and support them instead of nitpicking — which will totally get you nowhere btw.

12. Get over needing to be right — One of the lessons I’ve learned in life as I grew older is admitting I’m wrong. “I was wrong, I’m sorry” it’s a skill worth learning. Too much pride will be your downfall.

13. Take care of yourself — You are your first priority, love yourself first. No relationship can be successful if you don’t feel good about yourself internally and externally. So, make sure to never let yourself go, it’s good to be comfortable, but do it in style. Now you have more reason to shop for clothes, pamper yourself, and love yourself to better love your significant other.

14. Know what you need and then ask for it — Don’t forget that you’re dating a human, not a magical psychic. You can’t expect your partner to know everything without even speaking up.



15. Take a class — It’s a fact and proven that couples who learn together, connect deeper. Find a common ground or similarity then take it from there. Whether it’s cooking, art, or science.

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