5 Ways to Make Your Man Can’t Live Without You

Love is a thrilling rollercoaster, but keeping it on track requires effort. Let’s explore how to keep the sparks flying in your relationship. So how’s to make a guys cannot live without you?

So, how do you keep things exciting when you’ve been together for a while? It’s all about finding that sweet spot between being totally into each other and having your own life. In other words, you need to play your part in keeping your partner interested. Here’s 5 simple ways to maintain the sparks in your relationship, and to make your man can’t live without you in his life!

1. Take care of yourself

Seriously, you gotta love yourself first. Hit the gym, binge-watch shows, or whatever floats your boat. Happy you = happy relationship. Many people, men and women included, use a relationship as a reason to let go of themselves. While there’s nothing wrong with sitting at home in your sweatpants and watching dramas with your partner, don’t let your comfortable relationship make you think that you can neglect self-grooming.

Of course, while he should think you are beautiful no matter how you look, self-grooming is a sign of self-respect. Taking the time to look and dress up well is also a sign of commitment to your relationship — you would also love the feeling of having your partner admire how you look like in a gorgeous dress, for example.

2. Do your own thing

One of the biggest mistakes people make in relationships is to cling like koalas to each other. It might sound counterintuitive, but having your own life makes you more interesting. Keep those hobbies going, hang with your friends – it’ll make your partner appreciate you even more.

3. Talk it out.

Communication is key, people! Don’t bottle things up. Talk about what’s bugging you, what you love, and everything in between. Trust us, it’s worth it.

Don’t let your negative emotions and relationship make you think it is okay to just yell at him, however. Don’t make accusations, or ask him to think about why you’re angry (chances are, he’ll probably still be at a loss).

Do not make your problem bigger by arguing with him / her in public, or worse, in front of his family and friends. He may feel that you’re disrespecting him, and you will only encourage his family and friends to think that he should break up with you.

4. Make Time For Fun

We all knows how much you love your work, but you need to remember that your partner is part of your life too. Date nights, weekend getaways – whatever you’re into. Keep the spark alive with new experiences and quality time together. Keep on exploring new things together, by doing this you get to see your partner’s side even more.

Making time for each other does not mean you have to meet up daily, especially in today’s highly connected age. Even if you can’t spare much time at the moment, show that you care in other ways. This will make him feel touched, and of course, want you in his life even more. Small things matter!

5. Little things matter

Surprise them with their favorite snack, leave cute notes, or just give them a hug out of the blue. It shows you care.

Remember, relationships are a two-way street. It takes effort from both sides to keep things awesome. So, be patient, be kind, and most importantly, have fun!