Leonard Heng — Dancing Into Our Hearts On MMAZM 4!

Get to know Singapore’s MMAZM Cycle 4 finalist, and be inspired by his journey.

Written by: M.R.

Hailing from Singapore, the 24-year old Leonard Heng, aspires to be more than just a model, and an inspiration to all.

As many other Singaporeans are, Leonard is very much invested in fitness and health, in fact, he is a deep tissue and sports massage administrator!

But what took our breath away during MMAZM 4, was his amazing dance skills, and for good reason too.

You see, Leonard, isn’t just a model or a masseur; he is also a contemporary and hip hop dance choreographer.

Now that explains his killer movements on set, have you seen him bust some moves?

When Leonard isn’t busy juggling between his different hats, he is just like any other Millenial — stuck to his devices and enjoys spending time with friends and family.

On Leonard’s stint on MMAZM Cycle 4, he said it was an experience that was tiring, but fulfilling.

“The experience was nerve wrecking for me as I’m new to modelling but overall, it was a very inspiring week to learn and just be around such great people,” said Leonard, who is also a yoga instructor.

“Nevertheless, during the Day-2 video shoot challenge, the overall mood and atmosphere was great! It was competitive, yet we were letting loose, having fun and enjoying the moment.”

Coming in as a rather new recruit in the modelling industry, Leonard said that one of the most important things he had to remind himself constantly throughout MMAZM 4, was to not doubt himself on set.

“You just have to go, go, go; hit everything with a confidence that the cameras will catch because if you hold back, it will show in your body language,” he said.

Leonard also recalled that one of the more challenging tasks he had to do was static posing.

“I’m a dancer so I’m comfortable with fluidity and being more dynamic but holding a pose felt stiff and to hold that tension for one pose did feel awkward initially,” said Leonard.

Despite this, Leonard said that each activity and task leading up to the final runway walk was important for him to excel.

“The culmination of everything had led to that point and I was nervous at first but once the actual show started, I was so focused and I felt it from the other models as well,” he said.

“It didn’t matter if I won the competition or not, I already felt like a winner just being there in the moment. It was surreal that I had this opportunity quite honestly.”

So, what then, has the dancer-cum-model been up to?

He has gibe back to sports massages, and are in talks with an agency that reached out to him after the competition!

“I can’t say anything at this point in time but it will be my first contract with an agency. I will be heading a “Magic Mike-esque” dance production mid-2020 with an all-male Asian cast.”

Did you know: Leonard used to be overweight in 2019. He went from 90kgs to 72kgs in 6 months and found himself a part of CLEO’s Eligible Bachelor 2018 list! He also has 5 tattoos and is a proud cat-dad.