Hair loss? 5 Questions on Hair and Scalp Care Answered by a Dermatologist

Written by Dr. Teo Wan Lin

As a dermatologist, I see all sorts of hair and scalp problems in Singapore. The truth is, when I discuss with other dermatologists from other parts of the world, it really does strike us that the incidence of scalp issues, or what people would refer to as “oily scalp and dandruff”, is particularly high in Singapore.

Whether you are Singaporean or have just moved to our sunny island, if you are struggling with hair loss, oily scalp or dandruff issues, keep reading!

1. Do you have hair loss? Get it checked by a dermatologist.

Do you notice more hair than usual in your drain, on the floor, your combs and pillow? Do you find your hair parting wider and notice that your ponytail is less thick? Do you have family members with hair loss? If you have any of these symptoms, stop self-medicating and applying a bunch of hair tonics or serums or paying for expensive medi-spa or scalp treatments because these do not work. You’ve heard that right— they don’t work for hair loss.

I have seen countless patients who have spent a fortune on various scalp treatments and lotions (whether recommended by their hair stylist, scalp care providers, aesthetic centres or even doctors) but did not get better. Be wary of even those treatments that may boast a “doctor-designed” label as a lot of these are non-evidence-based (understand what is evidence based medicine here which is practised by medical specialists). Check with accredited dermatologists (check your doctor’s qualifications on the Singapore Medical Council website) as they are the only specialists in skin, hair and nails and are accredited by the Ministry of Health. They are trained in the management of scalp and hair problems. These are actual conditions that need proper diagnosis and treatment and do not simply improve with salon or spa treatments.

2. I have a greasy scalp and dandruff, do these cause hair loss?

An over the counter anti-dandruff shampoo such as one that contains zinc pyrithone or selenium sulphide can be useful to control mild cases, but if your symptoms are too severe and do not improve, you should promptly seek the care of a dermatologist— who will evaluate the cause of the flaking and prescribe medicated lotions and shampoos which will stop the inflammation. The longer it is left untreated, the more severe it gets and the more difficult to it is to control.

Seborrheic dermatitis is the medical term for dandruff and it is caused by the overgrowth of yeast on the scalp, worsened by a humid climate and scalp oiliness. While this does not directly cause hair loss, it can drive inflammation in the scalp which can lead to hair loss if it is not controlled. For hair loss, certain hair lotions and laser devices can be used to encourage hair regrowth.

Do you have a family member with hair loss? Both men and women can be affected by a genetically influenced condition known as androgenetic alopecia which when treated early, can be controlled or prevented to a certain extent.

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3. Is my scalp sensitive?

Patients with sensitive scalp are likely to feel itch, pain or stinging over their scalp and may also experience symptoms of scalp flaking, pimples and hair loss.

Various conditions of the scalp can cause sensitive scalp symptoms, such as scalp eczema, scalp folliculitis (pimples on the scalp) and seborrheic dermatitis, which all should be promptly diagnosed and treated with medications.

4. I have sensitive and oily scalp, can I go for herbal scalp treatments which claim to unclog my pores?

Increased scalp sensitivity is due to underlying inflammation, which is always related to a medical diagnosis that must be addressed by a dermatologist, who will treat the condition with appropriate prescribed medicated shampoos and anti-inflammatory scalp lotions, and monitor your condition for clinical improvement.

Any other forms of “scalp treatments” for hair loss or scalp greasiness/dandruff by non-dermatologists and herbal preparations are not evidence-based and often contain harsh irritant substances that cause scalp eczema. There is no such thing as scalp “pores” being clogged up. Patients who experience recurrent scalp pimples have a condition known as scalp folliculitis, which must be controlled with oral antibiotics.

For hair loss, evidence based treatments for hair regrowth are in the form of medicated scalp preparations which should be formulated in a laboratory and tested for effectiveness based on clinical papers by dermatologists. Read the labels and ask for expert advice! Furthermore, dermatologists use certain wavelengths of higher intensity LED light that have established safety and effectiveness, such as red light and yellow light wavelengths to increase hair growth over a period of time for patients who suffer from hair loss. There are certain approved home use laser devices, which your dermatologist may also recommend for you to use.

5. Does the humid weather in Singapore cause hair loss and scalp problems?

Truth is, not everyone is created equal. Our genetics determine our individual susceptibility to common colds, viruses, bacteria and fungal infections. There are some people who will, for example, be much more susceptible to seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, whereby the excess oil production works synergistically with the yeast (known as malessezia furfur) population on the scalp to cause dramatic overgrowth of this yeast population, that can cause scalp flaking, inflammation. When the scalp is unhealthy, hair loss can be worsen. Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp, always.

With regards to genetically influenced androgenetic alopecia (male pattern or female pattern hair loss), if you have a strong family history, especially if your relatives have started losing hair from an early age (below age 30 years), you may wish to consult a dermatologist early to discuss what options are available to maintain a healthy mane of hair. As they say, prevention is always better than cure.

Healthy hair is the key to confidence— Head over to Zalora Singapore for top hair care products to combat hair loss!

What is a dermatologist?
A dermatologist (skin specialist) is a qualified medical specialist who has obtained qualifications to specialise in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of skin, nail and hair diseases. Dermatologists are trained in cosmetic skin problems and aesthetic procedures. Only doctors listed as dermatologists by the Ministry of Health are recognised dermatologists. Cosmetic lasers, treatments, botulinum toxin and filler injections were developed by dermatologists. Aesthetic doctors are not skin specialists, they are family practitioners (GPs) who need to be accredited by the Dermatological Society of Singapore to carry out these procedures. Having a diploma in dermatology (Dip Derm) or a diploma in family practice dermatology (Dip FP Dermatology) does not qualify a doctor to be a dermatologist.
— Dermatological Society of Singapore

Dr. Teo Wan Lin is an accredited dermatologist in Singapore and also the Medical Director of TWL Specialist Skin & Laser Centre. She formulates a proprietary line of dermatologist grade cosmeceuticals Dr. TWL Dermaceuticals which work synergistically with customised, evidence-based aesthetic treatments she offers to her patients. She is a regular contributor and resident beauty specialist for ZCOOP Singapore.