Basic Skin Care Steps for Men

Don’t get it twisted, men should take care of their skin too!

Sometimes all you need are the basics. Skin care does not have to be as complicated as we see it on Instagram. There are lots of effective ways to make our skin look and feel healthier. There is really no need to splurge on five-step peels or multiple layers of creams. For the longest time, skin care has been more inclined with women, but slowly men are now pursuing healthier and clearer looking skin, too! Discover effective ways to make your skin look and feel healthier with Zalora Mens Care. Allow us to guide you on how you can start your skin care journey in just four steps because sometimes all you really need are the basics.


This is the simplest step that both men and women need to do. Cleansing the face removes all the dirt and oil that get stuck inside your pores throughout the day. Unclog your pores by splashing warm water onto your face — the warm water helps open up the pores to make it easier for you to rinse away the dirt. Depending on your skin type, choose the best facial cleanser that works best for your skin. Lather the cleanser on your face and gently massage using circular motions.

Tip: Do not drag your skin downwards! It can loosen the skin resulting in sagging and wrinkles!


This step makes a difference instantly. Exfoliating your skin removes dead skin cells that are clogging the pores, which result in an overall duller complexion. Once the layer of dead skin has been scrubbed away, this allows better absorption and penetration of products such as moisturizers, serum, and acne medication. This also makes your skin really smooth and soft right after! However, it’s not advisable to exfoliate every day. Depending on your skin, you can do this step every other day, or around two to three times a week.


It’s very important to moisturize the skin right after cleansing and exfoliating. It’s time to return the moisture that may have been stripped away during the cleansing process. Hydrating your face keeps it healthy and plump that also helps prevent aging and wrinkles, as well as excess oil production. Applying SPF as a moisturizer is very helpful, too! It gives you the moisture you need while protecting your skin from the harmful sun rays that cause early skin aging.


You’ve probably heard or read about this by now, but it’s recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. This will help rid the body and skin of toxins. If your skin is not getting a sufficient amount of water it needs, the lack of hydration will visibly present itself by turning your skin dry, tight, and flaky. It also helps with hair and nail growth!

What are your skincare basics and essentials? Or do you not have any at all? Don’t worry—head over to Zalora’s Men’s Care section, where we only offer products that the hottest guys use.