10 Beautiful Hairstyles for Every Occasion

But just as we love variety with our outfits, so do we when it comes to our hairdo! From tightly woven braids to messy buns to the different knots and twists you can do to your hair, there’s really no limit to your creativity if you really wish to break out of your mundane hair routine.

Here are some hairstyle inspirations to get you started: Continue reading 10 Beautiful Hairstyles for Every Occasion

7 Men Reveal Their Thoughts on Dating Their Fling

Written by Alicia Roxanne People engage in a relationship with two end goals: to settle down or to have fun. And then there are two types of people who want to have fun. First, those who date casually. They like someone enough to want to see them, spend time with them, talk to them, and have sex with them — but they don’t really know … Continue reading 7 Men Reveal Their Thoughts on Dating Their Fling